BEXUS Campaign History

Click on the links below to see an overview of each experiment.

BEXUS 33 – Launch Date:  21 September 2023

  • ALMA (Atmospheric Laser Measurement of Aerosols) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • CASTOR (Combined Analysis Sensor for Trioxygen and Oxygen Richness) – Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
  • SPACIS (Sound Propagation in the Atmosphere using Complex Infrasonic Signals) – University of Porto, Portugal
  • TOTORO (Test Observations of Transient Objects and RadiO) – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland

BEXUS 32 – Launch Date:  24 September 2023

  • HERCCULES (Heat-transfer and Environment Radiative and Convective Characterization in a University Laboratory for Experimentation in the Stratosphere) – Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
  • HERMES (Habited Exoplanet Research Measured by Eminence Stokes) – Hautes Ecoles Spécialisées Genève, Switzerland
  • ROMULUS (Radio Occultation Miniaturized Unit for LEO and Upper Stratosphere) – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  • SBGA (miniaturised multi Sensor Box for spaceborne Geodetic Applications) – Technical University of Munich, Germany 

BEXUS 31 – Launch Date:  29 September 2021

  • FaNS (Fast Neutron Spectrometer) – Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
  • MASS (Manufacturing of Structures in Space) – Hochschule München, Germany
  • SARIA (Synthetic-Aperture Radar using an Inflatable Antenna) – University of Porto, Portugal
  • STRATOSPOLCA (STRATOSpheric POLarimetry with Cadmium Telluride Array) – University of Coimbra, Portugal

BEXUS 30 – Launch Date:  30 September 2021

  • BoB (BAMMsat-on-BEXUS) – Cranfield University and University of Exeter, United-Kingdom
  • ECO-WISE (Environmental COmputations WIth low coSt sEt-up) – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • ELFI (Extremly Low Frequency and IMU) – Hochschule Nordhausen, Germany
  • O-Zone – University of Padua, Italy
  • Stardust – Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland

BEXUS 29 – Launch Date:  23 October 2019

  • SHADE (SDR helix antenna deployment experiment) – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • TANOS (Thermal atmospheric neutron observation system) – Kiel University, Germany
  • R2C2 (Radar recognition of chaff clouds in the stratosphere) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • TARDIS (Tracking and attitude radio-based determination in stratosphere) – Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  • IROCS (Influence of radiation on charged spheres) – University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

BEXUS 28 – Launch Date: 25 October 2019

  • DESTINY (Detection of earthquakes through a stratospheric Infrasound study) – École Polytechnique, France
  • IRISC (Infrared imaging of astronomical targets with a stabilized camera) –  Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • GAMMA VOLANTIS (Nafion ozone sensor field test) –  Technische Universität Dresden, Germany
  • OOXYGEN (Organic oxygen sensor reference experiment) – Technische Universität Dresden, Germany

BEXUS 27 – Launch Date: 18 October 2018

  • LODESTAR  (high aLtitude experiment On cosmic raDiation inducEd defectS in CIGS solar cells wiTh high precision meAsuRements) – Uppsala University, Sweden
  • LUSTRO  (Light and Ultraviolet Strato-and-Tropospheric Radiation Observer) – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • WHB (Die Wirkung der Höhenlage auf Bakteriensporen) – FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (FH Aachen), Germany
  • QUEST (Quadspectral Unaided Experimental Scanner of Topography) – Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany

BEXUS 26 – Launch Date: 17 October 2018

  • OSCAR-QLITE (Optical Sensors based on CARbon materials: Quantum Lightweight ITEration) – Hasselt University, Belgium
  • TUBULAR (Alternative AirCore Atmospheric Trace Gas Sampling) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • IMUFUSION (Reliable, miniaturised and universal localisation system for aerial vehicles) – Hochschule Nordhausen, Germany

BEXUS 25 – Launch Date: 20 October 2017

  • HAMBURG  (High Altitude Meteoroids-dust-catching-Balloon constrUcted by a Revolutionary Generation) – Technical University of Hamburg, Germany
  • IRIS (Infra-Red albedo measurements In Stratosphere) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • LOTUS-XD (Light power and Optical Transmission experiment of University Students – eXtra Data) – TU Dresden, Germany
  • SUNBYTE (Sheffield University Nova Balloon Lifted TElescope) – University of Sheffield, United Kingdom

BEXUS 24 – Launch Date: 18 October 2017

  • CADMUS (Cloud chamber for high Altitude Detection of Muons Under Special relativity effect) – Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Spain
  • DREX (Deployable Reflector EXperiment) – University of Padova, Italy
  • EXIST (Examination of Infrasound in the Stratosphere and Troposphere) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • NEMESYS (Neutron Effects on Memory SYStems) – University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

BEXUS 23 – Launch Date: 7 October 2016

  • ACORDE (Altitude COsmic Ray DEtector) – University of the Basque Country, Spain
  • SIGNON (SIGNals of Opportunity for Navigation) – University of Porto, Portugal
  • OSCAR (Optical Sensors based on Carbon nanomaterials) – Hasselt University , Belgium
  • PREDATOR (PREssure Difference dependency on Altitude verificaTOR) – Czech Technical University, Czech Republic

BEXUS 22 – Launch Date: 5 October 2016

  • STRATONAV (STRATOspherical NAVigation experiment) – La Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy
  • TPD-3 Vanguard (Technology Demonstrator Platform 3 “Vanguard”) – Technical University Munich, Germany
  • BuLMA 2015 (Balloon micro Lifeform-and-Meteorite Assembler) – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • LOTUS-D (Laser Optical Transmission experiment of University Students – DATA) – Technical University of Dresden, Germany

BEXUS 21 – Launch Date: 7 October 2015

  • FREDE2015 (FREon Decay Experiment) – Wroclaw University of Technology, University of Wroclaw, Poland
  • SPADE (Smartphone Platform for Acquisition of Data Experiment) – Universidad de Sevilla, Spain
  • InTex (INflatable TEXtile based antenna systems and structures) – TU Dresden, Germany

BEXUS 20 – Launch Date: 10 October 2015

  • HACORD (High Altitude Codmic Ray Detector) – University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • COSPA(Collection Of Stratospheric aerosol PArticles for a better understanding of the development of Polar Stratospheric Clouds) – TU Darmstadt, Germany
  • CPT-SCOPE (Cosmic Particle Telescope) – Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway; Freie Universität Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Germany.

BEXUS 19 – Launch Date: 8 October 2014

  • ADAM (Angular Distribution of charged particles, Atmosphere Measurement) – Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Germany
  • TamaOS (Monitoring of ozone and oxygen concentrations with miniaturized solid state sensors) – TU Dresden, Germany
  • GranaSAT (Attitude control for a microsatellite based in a Star Tracker, and Earth’s magnetic field measurements) – University of Granada, Spain
  • TORMES 2.0 (TOpography from Reflectometric Measurements: an Experiment from Stratosphere) – UPC – Barcelona Tech, Spain

BEXUS 18 – Launch Date: 10 October 2014

  • A5-Unibo (Advanced Atmospheric Aerosol Acquisition and Analysis) – University of Bologna, Italy
  • AFIS-P (Antiproton Flux In Space – Prototype) – Technical University München, Germany
  • ARCA (Advanced Receiver Concepts for ADS-B) – Ernst-Abbe Hochschule Jena, Germany
  • COUGAR (COntrol of Unmanned Ground vehicle from higher Altitude in near Real time) – University of Würzburg, Germany
  • POLARIS (POLymer-Actuated Radiator with Independent Surfaces) – University of Padova, Italy

BEXUS 17 – Launch Date: 10 October 2013

  • TORMES (Topography from Reflectometric Measurements: an Experiment from Stratosphere) – UPC – Barcelona Tech, Spain
  • ARCADE-R2 (Autonomous Rendezvous Control and Docking Experiment – Reflight 2) – University of Padova, Italy

BEXUS 16 – Launch Date: 8 October 2013

  • iSEDE (Inflatable Satellite Encompassing Disaggregated Electronics) – University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
  • Daemon (DNA Adverse Effect Monitoring) – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • FLASH (Fluid LAb in the StratospHere) – Ruprecht-Karls-University of Heidelberg, Julian Maximilians-University of Würzburg, Max Delbruek Centrum, Germany

BEXUS 15 – Launch Date: 25 September 2012

  • AMES (Atmospheric Magnetic and Electric field Sensor) – Lycée Gustave Eiffel of Cachan, France
  • BioDos (Continuous measurement of the change of UV radiation in dependence of altitude – Testing new method of measuring effects of UV radiation on biological systems) – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • MISSUS (Meteorological Integrated Sensor SUite for Stratospheric analysis) – University of Padova, Italy
  • SolSpecTre (Measurement of Solar Spectrum) – Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenberg, Germany

BEXUS 14 – Launch Date: 24 September 2012

  • MONSTA (Measurement Of Neutrons with Scintillators in The Atmosphere) – Christian Albrecht University of Kiel, Germany
  • TECHDOSE (Development of a Complex Balloon Technology Platform for Advanced Cosmic Radiation and Dosimetric Measurements) – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

BEXUS 13 – Launch Date: 26 September 2011

  • ARCADE (Autonomous Rendezvous Control And Docking Experiment) – University of Padova, Italy
  • MARVel (Martian Airborne Research Vehicle) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • RETA (Radiation Exposure in The Atmosphere) – Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany
  • VEXREDUS (Vehicle EXtended Reentry Duration) – University of Stuttgart, Germany

BEXUS 12 – Launch Date : 25 September 2011

  • CoCoRAD (Combined TriTel/Pille Cosmic Radiation and Dosimetric Measurements) – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • LITOS (Leibniz Institute Turbulence Observations in the Stratosphere) – University of Rostock, Germany

BEXUS 11 – Launch Date: 23 November 2010

  • LAERTES (Characterization of the radiative environment at high altitude by measuring neutron flux) – University of Montpellier 2, France
  • SCOPE 2.0 (Stabilized Camera Observation Platform Experiment) – Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • PERDAIX (Proton Electron Radiation Detector) – Aachen University, Germany
  • RETA (Radiation Exposure in The Atmosphere) – Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel, Germany

BEXUS 10 – Launch Date : 9 October 2010

  • CASS-E (Cranfield Astrobiological Stratospheric Sampling Experiment) – Cranfield University, UK
  • I-BATE (ISU-Balloon ATC Technology Experiment) – International Space University, Strasbourg, France
  • SCRAT (Spherical Compact Rechargeable Air Thruster) – University of Padova, Italy

BEXUS 09 – Launch Date: 11 October 2009

  • COMPASS (Calculating and Observing Magnetic Polar field intensity in the StratoSphere) – University of Bologna, Italy
  • CRIndIons (Cosmic Ray Induced Ionisation) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, Charles University, Prague and Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
  • NAVIS (North Atlantic Vessel Identification System) – Aalborg University, Denmark
  • reel.SMRT (Balloon microgravity platform) – ‘Erasmus Mundus’ Space Masters course
  • SO-hIgh (Silicon-on-Insulator) – Université Catholique de Louvain-la-neuve, Belgium

BEXUS 08 – Launch Date: 10 October 2009

  • MATI (Measurement of Atmospheric Turbulence with combined Instruments) – Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Rostock, Germany
  • REM (Radio Emission Monitor) – DLR & UAS Bremen, Germany

BEXUS 07 – Launch Date: 8 October 2008

  • TimePiX@Space (Radiation profiles)- Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, Charles University, Prague and Czech Technical University, Czech Republic
  • Stratospheric Census (Dust in the stratosphere) – ‘Erasmus Mundus’ Space Masters course
  • Aurora SMF Polar Explorer (Stratosphere and Magnetic Field) – School of Aerospace Engineering, University of Rome, Italy
  • DOLS (Diversity and Origin of Life in Stratosphere) – various universities, Germany

BEXUS 06 – Launch Date: 8 October 2008

  • LowCoINS (Low Cost Inertial Navigation System) – La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy
  • Icarus (Remote-controlled lifting body) – Romanian Space Agency, Romania, and Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
  • TURA (Turbulence in the stratospheric wind and temperature fields) – Leibniz-Institute of Atmospheric Physics, University of Rostock, Germany