The following experiments have been selected for Cycle 16 REXUS 35/36:
RX35 – APEX (Auroral Polarization EXperiment)
University of Graz, Austria
RX35 – HARTS (Hybrid Atmospheric Re-entry Thermal Shield)
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia
RX35 – MARTINI (Material Analysis of Resin Testing In Null-Gravity Interactions)
TU Braunschweig, Germany
RX35 – TRACER (TRAnspiration Cooling Experiment Revisited)
RWTH Aachen, Germany
RX36 – GOOSE (Germanium Orbital Optical Semiconductor Experiment)
TU München, Germany
RX36 – MEEGA (Make Enceladus Experiment Go Again)
FH Aachen, Germany
RX36 – THRIVE (Tissue Healing Research for In-Flight Viability Experiment)
TH Würzburg, Germany
RX36 – VIPER (Vibro-mechanical and Inertial Positioning Experiment on Rocket)
University La Sapienza, Italy