REXUS Campaign History

Click on the links below to see an overview of each experiment:

REXUS 32 – Launch Date: 12 March 2024

  • BOOMERANG (BOOM deploying Experiment with a Return to launch site Automated Non-propelled Glider) – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • DROPSTAR (Study of Oil Droplet Coalescence in Emulsions in Microgravity) – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
  • GAMEon (Glider for Atmospheric Measurements and Experiments) – Ernst-Abbe University (EAH) Jena, Germany
  • SHEAR (Supersonic Heatshield Experiment Aboard REXUS) – Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands

REXUS 31 – Launch Date: 14 March 2024

  • CREATE (Carbon REinforced Additive manufacturing Technology Experiment) – Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
  • FerrAS (Ferrofluid Application Study) – University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • PR4 (Payload for Radiation measurement and Radio-interferometry on Rockets Revisited) – Radboud University Nijmegen and Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
  • TRACE (TRAnspiration Cooling Experiment) – RWTH Aachen University, Germany

REXUS 30 – Launch Date: 29 March 2023

  • B2D2 (Bistable Boom Dynamic Deployment) – Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden
  • ASTER (Attitude Stabilized Free Falling Experiment)-  Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • µMoon (Verification and Simulation of Enceladus´ Plume Models) – Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • IMFEX (ISRU MoonFibre Experiment) – RWTH Aachen University, Germany

REXUS 29 – Launch Date: 01 April 2023

  • ECRIDA – (3D Printing by Curing Resin In-orbit using UV Digital Light Processing Apparatus) –  University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
  • RaPTeX (Radiologic Particle Telescope Experiment) – UiT The Arctic University of Norway. Norway
  • DAEDALUS2 – Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg, Germany
  • HERMESS (Hull applied ElectroResistive Measurement of Structural Strains) – Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany
  • S Cephei (Suspension of Carbon Nanotubes under dielectrophoretical Influence) – Technical University of Dresden, Germany

REXUS 28 – Launch Date: 07 November 2022

  • SPEAR (Supersonic parachute experiment aboard REXUS) – Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • ROACH-2 (Robotic in-orbit analysis of cover hulls 2) – University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • TUPEX-7 (TU Berlin Picosatellite Experiment-7) – Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

REXUS 27 – Launch Date: 05 November 2022

  • BLACKBOX II (Locatable crash safety data storage device for sounding rockets) – University of Applied Science Bremen, Germany
  • HADES (Hayabusa-capsule active dynamic re-entry stabilisation) – HES-SO, Switzerland
  • AIMIS (Additive manufacturing in space) – University of applied Science Munich, Germany
  • FLORENCE (Flow boiling regime in microgravity conditions experiment) – KU Leuven University, Belgium

REXUS 26 – Launch Date: 19 March 2019

  • TRACZ (Testing Robotic Applications for Catching in Zero-g) – Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Poland
  • ELVIS ( Exploration of Low-Velocity collisions In Saturn’s rings) – Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany
  • PRIME (Plasma measuRements wIth Micro Experiment) – Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
  • TUPEX-6 (TU Berlin Picosatellite Experiment-6) – Technische Universität Berlin, Germany
  • BESPIN (Balloon Ejection Student Prototype Investigation) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden

REXUS 25 – Launch Date: 11 March 2019

  • FLOMESS (Flight Loading Measurement System) – Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
  • HEDGEHOG (High-quality Experiment Dedicated to microGravity Exploration, Heat flow and Oscillation measurement from Gdańsk) – Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland
  • PR3 (Payload for Radiation measurement and Radio-interferometry in Rockets) – Eindhoven University of Technology  & Radboud University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
  • FORAREX (FORAminifera Rocket EXperiment) – Universität Bremen, Germany
  • GAME (Glider for Atmospheric Measurements and Experiments) – Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena, Germany

REXUS 24 – Launch Date: 12 March 2018

  • AQUASONIC – Black Box (Development of a memory flash device) – University of applied Science Bremen (Hochschule Bremen), Germany
  • MORE (Measuring Optoelectronics in Rocket Experiment) – ISAE SUPAERO, France
  • PIOneERS (Measuring Plasma Impedance Of ne using Ejectable Recoverable System) – University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • ROACH (Robotic in-Orbit Analysis of Cover Hulls) – University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • WOLF (Wobbling Control system for spinning Free falling unit) – Royal Institute of Technology KTH, Sweden

REXUS 23 – Launch Date: 4 March 2019

  • ARES II (Axial Retention Experiment for PMD Sponges II) – University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HES – SO), Switzerland
  • DAEDALUS (Research of an Atmospheric Reentry of a Glider) – JMU Würzburg, Germany
  • SPAN (SPAce Navigation using Signals of Opportunity) – Faculty of Engineering University of Porto, Portugal
  • TESOS (In-flight temperature measurement with structurally integrated fibre optic sensors) – Technische Universität München, Germany
  • VIPER (Vaporizing Ice Penetration Experiment on a Rocket) – FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (FH Aachen), Germany

REXUS 22 – Launch Date: 16 March 2017

  • AtmoHIT (Atmospheric Hetrodyne Interferometer Test) – Research Centre Jülich/ University of Wuppertal, Germany
  • U-PHOS (Upgraded Pulsating Heat-pipe Only for Space) – University of Pisa, Italy
  • GRAB (Gecko Related Adhesive testBundles) – Technical University of Braunschweig, Germany
  • RaCoS (Rate Control System Experiment) – University of Würzburg, Germany

REXUS 21 – Launch Date: 15 March 2017

  • DIANE  (Dipole Inflatable Antenna Experiment) – Technical University of Dresden, Germany
  • UB-SPACE (University of Bremen – Image Processing for Determination of relative Satellite Motion) – University of Bremen, Germany
  • SALACIA (Saline Liquids and Conductivity in the Atmosphere) – Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
  • DREAM (DRilling Experiment for Asteroid Mining) – Wrocław University of Technology, Poland

REXUS 20 – Launch Date: 15 March 2016

  • UB-FIRE  (Universitiy of Bremen – FIre Safety Research Experiment) – Universität Bremen, Germany
  • CEMIOS (Electrophysiological study investigating cellular effects of weightlessness induced oocyte samples) – Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland
  • BOILUS (Boiling management by means of ultrasounds in microgravity conditions) – Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain
  • PATHOS (Position-vector Acquisitaion Through Horizon Observation) – Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg, Germany

REXUS 19 – Launch Date: 18 March 2016

  • PICARD  (Prototype Inflatable Conical Antenna – REXUS Deployment) –  University of Strathclyde and University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
  • SLED (System of Free Falling Univts using LEDs to allow one to track the other) – KTH Stockholm, Sweden
  • LiME (Link made early) – Ernst-Abbe-Hoschschule, Jena, Germany
  • MIRKA2-RX  (MIkro-RückkehrKApsel 2 – REXUS) – Universität Stuttgart, Germany

REXUS 18 – Launch Date: 18 March 2015

  • ACTOR (Aerogel Cells Tested On REXUS) – RWTH Aachen, Germany
  • LICOD (Light-induced compression of dust clouds) – Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • PHOS (Pulsating Heat pipe Only for Space) – University of Pisa, Italy
  • SMARD (Shape Memory Alloy Reusable Deployment Mechanism) – TU München, Germany

REXUS 17 – Launch Date: 17 March 2015

  • REM-RED  (GM Sounding Rocket Experiment to Measure the Cosmic Radiation and Estimate its Dose Contribution) –  Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • SCRAP (SCattering of Radar waves on Aerosols in Plasmas) – KTH Stockholm, Sweden
  • WUSAT-SOLSPEC  (Cubesat-based transit spectroscopy – Measuring the Sun’s spectrum at different atmospheric path lengths as an analogy to the study of exoplanet atmospheres) – University of Warwick, United Kingdom

REXUS 16 – Launch Date: 28 May 2014

  • HORACE (HORizon ACquisition Experiment) – Julius-Maximillians-University of Würzburg, Germany
  • MOXA (Measurements of Ozone and oXygen in upper Atmosphere) – Technical University of Dresden, Germany
  • LOW-GRAVITY (Laser Ouput Welding in microGRAVITY) –  Polytechnic University of Bucharest, Romania & University of Durham, United Kingdom
  • CWIS (Chemical Waves in Soret Effect) – University of Naples Federico II, Italy & Free University of Brussels, Belgium

REXUS 15 – Launch Date: 29 May 2014

  • FOVS (Fibre-Optic Vibration Sensing experiment) – Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • MEDUSA (MEasurement of the D-region plasma USing Active falling plasma probes) – University of Rostock, Germany
  • StrathSat-R2 (Investigation into the use of two Cubesat-based deployable inflatable structures, including: a solar sail and a dynamic structure that adapts to varying conditions – Reflight) – University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
  • ISAAC (Infrared Spectroscopy to Analyse the upper Atmosphere’s Composition) – KTH, Sweden

REXUS 14 – Launch Date: 7 May 2013

  • CAESAR (CApillarity-based Experiment for Spatial Advanced Research) – HES-SO Geneva, Switzerland
  • Gekko (Measurement of the variation in electric conductivity with altitude) – Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • EDoD SpaceSailors (Experimental Deployment of a Dragsail) – RWTH Aachen, Germany
  • PoleCATS (POLar test of the Conceptial and Tiny Spectrometer) – University College London, United Kingdom

REXUS 13 – Launch Date: 9 May 2013

  • CERESS (Compatible and Extendable REXUS Support BuS) – Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • MUSCAT (MUltiple Spheres for Characterisation of Atmospheric Temperature) – KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
  • StrathSat-R (Investigation into the use of two Cubesat-based deployable inflatable structures, including: a solar sail and a dynamic structure that adapts to varying conditions) – University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
  • SOLAR (SOLdering Alloys in Reduced gravity) – Lulea University of Technology, Sweden

REXUS 12 – Launch Date: 19 March 2012

  • Suaineadh (Deployment and stabilisation of a spinning net) – University of Glasgow & University of Strathclyde, UK and KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • REDEMPTION (REmoval of DEbris using Material with Phase Transition: IONospherical tests) – University of Bologna, Italy
  • SOMID (Solid-borne Sound Measurement for the Independent Detection of Events on Space Vehicles) – University of Munich, Germany
  • SPACE (Suborbital Particle Aggregation and Collision Experiment) – TU Braunschweig, Germany

REXUS 11 – Launch Date: 16 November 2012

  • GGES (Gravity Gradient Earth Sensor) – EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • RAIN (Rocket deployed Atmospheric probes conducting Independent measurements in Northern Sweden) – KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Sweden
  • Telescobe 2 (Demonstration of a new telescopic boom system) – Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
  • CaRu (Experiment on Capillarity under microgravity shown with Runge pictures) – TU Dresden, Germany
  • ADIOS (Advanced Isolation on Sounding Rockets) – FH Aachen, Germany

REXUS 10 – Launch Date: 23 February 2011

  • SQUID (Spinning QUad Ionospheric Deployer) – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • M-BEAM (Magnetic BEAring for brushless DC Motor – to allow maintenance-free operation of a gyroscope in microgravity) – Higher Technical College of Electronics, Moessingerstrasse, Austria
  • FOCUS (First Orbital Curing experiment of University Students) – TU München, Germany
  • GaGa (Granular Anisotropic GAses) – Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany

REXUS 9 – Launch Date: 22 February 2011

  • Telescobe (Demonstration of a new telescopic boom system) – Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland
  • SPONGE (Sounding rocket Propellant OrieNtation microGravity Experiment) – University of Padova & University of Padua, Italy
  • EXPLORE (EXPeriment for Liquid On-orbit REfueling) – University of Stuttgart, Germany
  • REMOS (REcession MOnitoring System) – University of Stuttgart, Germany

REXUS 8 – Launch Date: 4 March 2010

  • LAPLander (Light Airbag Protected Lander) – KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
  • TUPEX-3 (Verification of UHF communication system and sun sensor for nanosatellites) – TU Berlin, Germany
  • VECTOR (Verification of Concepts for Tracking and Orientation) – TU München, Germany

REXUS 7 – Launch Date: 2 March 2010

  • BUGS (Boom for University Gravity-Gradient stabilized Satellites) – University of Bologna and School of Aerospace Engineering, University of Rome, Italy
  • VibraDamp (Damping system for an experiment module) – FH Aachen, Germany
  • MONDARO (Measurement Of Neutral gas Density in the Atmosphere by ROcket) – University of Rostock, Germany

REXUS 6 – Launch Date: 12 March 2009

  • NISSE (Nordic Ionospheric Sounding rocket Seeding Experiment) – University of Bergen, Norway, University of Oulu, Finland, and the Finnish Meteorological Institute
  • AGADE (Applied Geomagnetics for Attitude Determination Experiment) – Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Germany

 REXUS 5 – Launch Date: 13 March 2009

  • Itikka (Inertial Measurement Unit) – Technical University of Tampere, Finland
  • VIB-BIP (Vibration effects on Biphasic fluids) – Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
  • CharPa (Charged Particle measurements) – IAP Kühlungsborn & TU München, Germany